CV examples

Ongoing research with recruitment professionals in many sectors of industry makes us confident that the CV examples which you can download from this page and below possess many positive qualities that employers value.  

A range of current books on CV writing is available to borrow from Career Destinations.

Think how you can adapt the following examples to develop a CV that you will be proud of and that will tell the potential employer (or work placement provider etc) what he or she really needs to know.


Select "Styles of CV" at the bottom of this page to view examples of various CV formats e.g. chronological, skills-based, targeted CVs etc.


CV examples with tips and advice. 

More advice and examples.

Graduate Recruitment Bureau 

What does this agency suggest in its CV makeover pack?

Windmills Programme

Ten top tips for your CV from this on-line career management tool.

The first 18 pages of this CV and interview guide provide advice on “Writing a winning CV” and includes a before and after example of a CV that has been edited to enhance its impact. This guide is found in the "Seven Tactics for Success" section within "Tactic 4 - the simple formula for selling yourself".

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